Playing AI Dungeon
Common Questions
What happened to Worlds and World Info?
The AI can only process about 1000 words worth of text at a time, but a story quickly becomes much larger than that, which means the AI will only be given the last few pages of your adventure: it doesn’t have access to anything written before that. To compensate, the interface adds some extra text: references from World Info are added to the beginning of the text, along with the Memory, while the Author’s Note is placed a few sentences before the end.
Along with these other fields, World Info is a tool to add information that isn’t in those last few pages, and is generally used to give the AI details about:
- Recurring Characters
- Visited Places
- Past Events
...or anything else that you want to bring up again, but isn’t going to be relevant often enough to be in the Memory, which is intended for details which are always relevant.
Each World Info entry has at least one “Key”, which is a bit of text (usually a word or two) that you want to trigger the entry. When the “Key” shows up in the last few actions, the interface will automatically add the corresponding World Info entry to what it sends to the AI. The AI will see this text before the rest of the current story and be able to use it as context when the concepts come up, making word-associations and orienting itself to the “world” you’re telling it about.
Note: The AI won’t always reference or even correctly repeat information from the World Info, but whatever it generates will be influenced by it: a good World Info entry (or Memory) can help the AI write a more focused story.
How to use World Info
World Info can be accessed from a button in the Right Sidebar, under the “Story” tab, below the Memory and the Author’s Note in the Prompt Settings.
This button will take you to a list of World Info entries, with a set of tabs at the top. The “Active” Tab shows you the entries being used in your current adventure, while the other tabs let you access ones from other stories.
Crafting World Info Entries
World Info Entries can be up to 4000 characters, but it’s recommended you keep them as short and concise as possible, as each triggered entry will take up space that would otherwise be used for the story: every word you add to a World Info entry will take away from how far back the AI can see and how many other World Info entries can be active when its key is being triggered. If your World Info entries (and your Memory) are too long, details that might be immediately relevant could be pushed out of the Current Context.
World Info is meant to be used alongside Memory, which can be used to add details that the AI will always see about the story in general, like who the main character is and what they’re like, and the Author’s Note, which can be used to add small amounts of detail near the end of the context.
Creating New Entries
To add a new World Info entry, click “Create New World Info”, and it will give you a form to fill out. This can be completed in one of two ways...
Manually Typed Entry
The most common method is to put in a set of Keys under the “Name”, then put the block of text to be fed to the AI under “Description”.
Under “Type”, type a category for the entry: if you use the name of one of the tabs at the top, it will automatically be sorted under them later, or you can use one of your own to have it sorted under “OTHER”.
Once you have the entry you want, click “Manual Entry” to add this to your World Info.
AI Generated Entry
There is also a method to have the AI generate a World Info entry for you. Fill out everything but the “Description” field with information you want the AI to consider when writing its entry, then click “Generate”, and the AI will write and add an entry for you. Note that the less you type in, the more the AI will make things up on its own, so include any details you need it to carry, but also consider using this to generate random content for your adventure.
NOTE: At this time, AI Generation is not working reliably: it can generate some very strange things, or just rehash whatever you said in the Background. Feel free to play around with it though, as you might still find it interesting.
Managing Existing Entries
You can also edit existing World Info entries by clicking the top of the entry, causing it to open as a dropdown.
Here, you can change the Keys, Type, Entry text, and add Tags to help you search them later. You can also add a “Description” and “Attributes”, which the AI can’t see, but can be used for your own reference. Note that, in a Scenario or World, these may be used by scripting.
Re-Using old World Info Entries
You can view the World Info entries which aren’t being use by clicking the tabs at the top of the World Info screen. Select the category you want to look through, and scroll or search to find a specific one you want.
Tips for using World Info
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