AI Dungeon Discord Server Rules

AI Dungeon Discord Server Rules

AI Dungeon Discord Server Rules and Guidelines


You can find these rules and guidelines on the server here →

The following rules apply to all community members and are in place to protect players, moderators, and Latitude employees.

  1. Harassment, Bullying, and Threatening Behavior
  2. Do not participate in or encourage harassment. This may include, but is not limited to:

    • Targeted harassment or personal attacks (named or unnamed).
    • Threatening, inciting, or promoting violence or abuse against others, including another’s life, safety, reputation, livelihood, or well-being.
    • Hate Speech (sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.).
    • Toxic behavior or flaming (for example, trying to make someone angry or get a reaction).
    • Unauthorized sharing of personal information (also known as doxxing).
    • Sexual harassment or stalking.
    • Indiscriminate spamming in DM or unsolicited links.
    • Topics about self-harm or encouraging others to self-harm
  3. Hateful Content
    • Do not post content that encourages, incites, or promotes hate, threats, or violence against other people based on attributes such as their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or disabilities. This includes the use of hate symbols, images, or claims that deny the rights of others.
    • Do not glorify or promote acts of violence or violent extremism. Do not promote conspiracy theories that could damage or incite violence or hate towards people or groups of people.
    • Do not post or share content that glorifies, promotes, or normalizes suicide or other potential acts of physical self-harm.
    • Do not post or share content that glorifies, promotes, or normalizes any sensitive current or past topics that involve the death or harm of other humans.
    • We consider hate speech to be any form of verbal or visual expression that promotes, incites, or attacks people, or a group of people based on their protected characteristics.

      We define content within the server as anything posted or within the structure of your personal profile when you visit the server, including profile pictures, bios, pronouns, and usernames.

      Our policy mirrors that of Discord. You can read more about that here:

  4. Spam and Manipulation
    • Do not advertise other sites, products, or social media.
    • Do not spam the server.
    • Do not impersonate individuals or organizations affiliated with Latitude on or off of Latitude’s platforms.
    • Do not impersonate other real people with the intent of deceiving or causing harm to other users. Parody accounts are not acceptable.
    • Do not use alternate accounts to join or post on the server if your other account has been banned.
    • Do not use user-bots. Each account must be associated with a human.
    • Do not use excessive text passages, emojis, stickers, or screen flooding that disrupt the flow of discussion. This could be copy-and-paste chain letters or empty messages.
    • Do not post any form of platform scripting that could endanger other users or their experience. If you have any concerns about in-game scripts, please email rather than posting them publicly in the server.
  5. Botting, Piracy, Hacking, and Plagiarism
    • Do not encourage, post in support of, link to, or discuss activities, methods, and/or techniques involving botting, hacking, jailbreaking, or piracy. Any form of these actions will result in an immediate ban.
    • As a creator platform, we will not tolerate people who copy, imitate, or steal content from another creator and attempt to pass it off as their own.

      Please report any suspected botting, piracy, or plagiarism to

  6. Server Content Ratings
    1. All content posted within the server and all channels must be rated Everyone (E) or Teen (T), in-line with our platform Content Ratings. Again, we define content within the server as anything posted or within the structure of your personal profile when you post, including profile pictures, bios, pronouns, and usernames.

    2. Do not post about, promote, or include links to Mature (M) or Unrated (U) content, including images, text, audio, and video. We also do not allow content that we believe alludes to M/U-rated content. Please use discretion when posting.
    3. Do not solicit, share, or make any attempts to distribute content or information that normalizes or promotes underage or child sex abuse. Any attempts to do so will lead to an immediate server ban.
    4. Our allowed content:

      Everyone (E)

      Content suitable for all ages. May only contain mild violence or language.

      Teen (T)

      Content suitable for readers aged 13 and above. May include moderate violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, and/or infrequent use of strong language.

      For more information on our Content Ratings, please read more here →

      If you see content from AI Dungeon that does not adhere to our platform content guidelines, please email However, if you see content that does not adhere to our server content guidelines, please contact a Senior Moderator or Community Team member.

  7. Politics and Religion
    • Do not post political or religious content or discuss politics or religion on this server.
    • Do not spam unrelated emojis or political/religious symbolism. While a simple reaction might be acceptable, it must be done in a respectful manner.
  8. Server Language
  9. This Discord server is English only. Please use English when participating/commenting as we do not have language moderation.

  10. Stay On Topic
  11. Discussions should be constrained to the topic of each specific channel, indicated by the channel description. Moderators will direct players to move off-topic conversations to a different channel. Please use threads for any deep-dive discussion that may disrupt the normal flow of channel discussion.

    To make the server more welcoming to new players, please direct technical discussions (such as in-depth conversations about models or the inner workings of the system) to the appropriate channel instead of discussing in general channels.

  12. Moderation
    • Do not attempt to skirt or otherwise find a loophole within our rules. Moderators have the final say as to what constitutes a rule break and will adjust disciplinary action depending on the severity and your overall history on the server.
    • Do not argue with staff requests. This includes Moderators, Helpers, the Community Team, and the Latitude Team.
    • Backseat moderating (or “minimodding”) is when a community member who is not a member of the Moderation Staff attempts to enforce either Community rules or Discord-specific rules. If you see a person breaking the rules, DM a Moderator and allow them to deal with it. If a Moderator is currently addressing a situation, please refrain from becoming involved and allow the situation to be resolved. You may mention the @Moderator role, but please only do so if pinging Moderators directly hasn’t worked and the situation is critical.

      If you feel you’ve been unfairly disciplined, please contact a Senior Moderator, a Community Team member (orange name), or email

      Server Warnings, Mutes, and Bans

      Our goal is to ensure that the AI Dungeon Discord server is a safe space for different age groups. Those who break these rules may receive a verbal or written warning, a multi-hour to multi-day mute, or a server ban.

      While we normally apply a 5-action rule (five warnings may lead to a ban, as an example), this rule set will not always apply and may be used only as a guide. You could be subjected to many or fewer warnings before higher action is taken. It is ultimately up to moderators or staff as to what action is taken. In some extreme cases, players may not receive any warnings before a ban.

      All moderation decisions are peer-reviewed by the moderation staff. Please read carefully for an example of what a common disciplinary flow could look like:

    • 1st Warning - You will be DM’d to inform you that you have a warning and the nature of the warning.
    • 2nd Warning - Up to 24 hour (Mute). You will be restricted from posting in the server for a period of up to 1 day.
    • 3rd Warning - Up to 4 day (Mute). You will be restricted from posting in the server for a period of up to 4 days.
    • 4th Warning - You will receive a 1 week BAN.
    • 5th Warning - A Permanent Ban. You will be banned from the server.
    • Moderation Staff will typically start with a verbal warning and rule reminder. These warnings are simply a prompt to please adhere to the rules. These warnings may come from a bot or a Moderator.

      If you’ve received a warning, kick, ban, or mute, please discuss this with a Moderator or Community Team member in private through DM and not in public channels.

      Keep in mind that server Moderators are volunteers. They are NOT employed by Latitude and are not involved with the development and upkeep of AI Dungeon. Also note that Moderators of our Discord server do NOT moderate content on the AI Dungeon platform.

  13. Latitude Staff
    • Do not tag or DM Latitude Staff (yellow name) unless the staff member in question approves the mention or is already engaged in channel discussion.
    • You may DM or tag members of the Community Team (orange name). Feedback may be submitted and discussed in the bugs-feature-requests forum on the server.

      Keep in mind that staff (Moderators, Helpers, and the Community Team) are not on 24/7, and they may not respond immediately. Threatening language towards staff or harassment of staff members is not tolerated under any circumstance and may lead to bans. Please keep all conversations respectful and constructive.

  14. Follow All Local Regulations and Laws
    • Do not engage in sexual conduct or any conduct that puts your online or physical safety at risk. Be vigilant in protecting your private messages, and ensure you are taking protective measures in who you talk to.
    • Do not coordinate or illicit any efforts toward illegal gambling.
    • Do not use our server to solicit, organize, promote, or engage in illegal activities.
    • Do not engage in conversations or post content that is about any form of illegal drug use. Because this is an E/T rated server, please be mindful about conversations that involve legal but age-restricted drug or alcohol use, and do not discuss these topics in excess.

Rules last updated: 09/24/2024 (m/d/y)—Updated all server guidelines to be in line with Content Rating changes.

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