What are Story Cards?

What are Story Cards?

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What are Story Cards?

Story Cards let you add specific character information, locations, factions, or any other world-building information to individual cards that are used by the AI during gameplay to recall important story details when certain keywords are triggered.

When Story Card triggers are used during gameplay, the related entry text is also sent to the AI with the latest input to keep it informed about that aspect of your game. These are used to give the AI a lot of context about recurring characters, common locations, past events, or anything else pertaining to the Adventure’s world. Story Cards are really flexible, so play around with them to figure out how they can best benefit your game!

Story Cards are the new version of World Info. Read more about this change here →

How to use Story Cards

Read more about Story Card Import & Export →

Tips for using Story Cards

Remember that you can always get more information on this, or any subject, by asking on our official Discord Server.

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