Creating Complex Scenario Setups

Creating Complex Scenario Setups

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Creating Complex Scenario Setups

How Scenario Options Work

Scenario Options is an advanced Scenario feature which allows Scenario Creators to create player-selected choices at the beginning of a Scenario to change how the Adventure starts. When a Scenario has Options, it will be started by showing the Prompt, but instead of asking for text-input or generating a response, it will give the player a menu from which to select from a set of Options, which lead to Sub-Scenarios with their own Prompt.

These Sub-Scenarios are effectively complete Scenarios in their own right, except they are only accessible from their parent Scenario. Scenarios can have a virtually unlimited number of Options at each level, and a virtually unlimited number of sub-levels, but it will be the final sub-scenario from which the new Adventure is generated.

An example of this is the Quick Start Options, which start with a Scenario which uses the first level to Prompt the player for a genre, such as “Fantasy”, and the next level to prompt the player for a character, such as a “Noble”, then the final level to start an Adventure with a Prompt where the player is that character in that setting.

Using Options in your own Scenarios

To create a new Scenario Option, scroll down on the Scenario Editing page and click + create new option, which will create what is effectively a new Scenario as a sub-option, and add it to the list of Options: clicking this new option will take you to that Sub-Scenario’s edit page.

The new Option will be pre-populated with some of the traits of its parent Scenario, such as the Memory and World Info, but the Title will be set to "Untitled Option for [Parent Scenario Title]" and the Description and Tags will be blank.

The Title of a Scenario Option is what will be shown on the selection screen, after the Prompt from the parent scenario, so it should be written in a way which explains the decision the player is making by selecting it. This will also be the Title of a resulting Adventure, if it is the last Option in a list, so consider making it descriptive of what it will be.

The Description and Tags of an Option will only be shown as the default Description and Tags of a resulting Adventure, so it’s recommended that you copy them from the main Scenario to the Options which start Adventures, and maybe change it to reflect what the option is. If a sub-Option has Options of its own, then the player will never see the Description or Tags, so use them for your own notes or leave it blank.

If there is an Option below a Scenario or one of its Sub-Scenarios, the Prompt will instead be used to present the Options, so it should be either a statement of what the player is selecting, or a question for the player to respond to.

Otherwise, the bottom-level scenario option functions like any other Scenario: it will create an Adventure that starts with the Prompt, with the Memory and other traits filled in with whatever is in that bottom-level Scenario.

Note that the AI is not given anything from any Scenario except the one that starts the Adventure: if there is any information you intend the AI to have, including a Prompt or World Info, it will not have any effect on the final Adventure, unless you ensure that it’s there.



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