What are Scenarios?

What are Scenarios?

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What are Scenarios?

Scenarios are templates players can use to start a new Adventure from.

Clicking the Play button on a Scenario will start a new Adventure with all of the Memory, World Info, and other settings transferred over, and the Prompt used as the first Action, giving the new Adventure a starting point to go from.

With a Scenario, you have the ability to start multiple Adventures from the same custom beginning, and you can Publish them for other players to do the same, or play from Scenarios that other players have created.

This is comparable to the Quick Start options when you click “Start” from the homepage, though Scenarios have capabilities which aren’t used there, such as the ability to change the Memory, World Info, and Author’s Note, or to add Scripting.

Using Scenarios to start Adventures

To start a new Adventure from a Scenario, all you need to do is navigate to it in either My Stuff, the Search page, or through a link someone sent you, and click the “Play” button.

When the Scenario begins, it may ask you questions, with some suggested formatting, to help customize your play-through. Be sure to answer as suggested so the prompt-generation works as the Scenario’s creator intended.

After the questions (if any), a block of text called a “Prompt” will begin the Adventure, and the AI will generate the first output in response to that. The Adventure will be automatically saved to your My Stuff folder.

Creating your own Scenarios

To create a new Scenario, go to the My Stuff page by clicking it on the Left sidebar, then navigate to the “Scenarios” tab at the top of the page, then click the “Create Scenario” button on the right.

This is the button.

You will be taken to the Scenario Creation Page, which is full of empty fields for you to fill in.


This is what the Scenario will be listed as in My Stuff, or in other people’s Search if you Publish it. Be sure to make this a name that is unique and descriptive, so you and others can find it easily later.


More detailed information, the first part of which will be displayed with the listing under the Title. You can use this to keep additional information describing the Scenario, which is especially important if you intend to publish it.

The Title, Tags, and the first few lines of the Description will be shown in the Search results when you or someone else is looking for the Scenario, so it’s recommended that you make them something unique and descriptive. New Adventures created with the Scenario will have this Title and Description by default.
Note that the AI does not see the Description, so the later parts are a good place to give instructions, explanations, notes, and links.


The Prompt is the first message in the Adventure, and is the meat of a Scenario: every Scenario should have a Prompt, and the bigger the better!

Note that the prompt is the first Action in the Adventure, and there’s nothing stopping you from filling it to the maximum size, which is about as far back as the AI can remember. This means whatever you put at the very top of the Prompt will disappear from the Current Context relatively quickly in a long Prompt, meaning you should put anything tone-setting in the Memory where it will always stay at the top of the Context.

Protip: if you’re using the entire character-limit of the Prompt AND some Memory, the AI may never even be sent the first part of the Prompt, meaning you can put text at the top of it that will be hidden from the AI but not the player, which is useful for Instructions and Scenario-Creator’s notes.
There is also a way to add user-entered fields to the Prompt by adding a $dollar-sign followed by a statement in {curly-brackets}. ${like this.} This is explained in the Tips section at the bottom of the article.


The starting text of the Memory, which will add more context to the story without you having to write it in your Prompt, and which will stay in the context shown to the AI until the player edits it.

Note that the text of the Memory will show up at the very beginning of the story, before your Prompt.

Remember that the player will want to change or add to the end of this, meaning you should leave them room so they don’t have to shorten what you wrote.

Click Here to read more about Memory.

Author’s Note

The starting text of the Author’s Note, which will guide the story for the player, until they edit it.

PROTIP: Many Scenario creators leave this blank: it is not only optional, but not recommended if you’re not sure what you’re doing with it.

Click Here to read more about Author’s Notes.

Scenario Options

This is an advanced Scenario feature which allows you to create selectable options at the beginning of the Scenario, like the ones on the Quick Start menu. When a Scenario has options, it will be started by using the Prompt to describe itself, then give the user a menu from which to select from a set of options, which are Sub-Scenarios with their own Prompts, Memory, etc.

To create a new Scenario Option, click + create new option to create an entry in a list below that. Clicking this will being you to what is effectively a new Scenario page, pre-populated with some of the traits of its parent Scenario. The Title will be shown on the selection screen, after the Prompt from the parent scenario, and the player will be able to click it to get to the sub-Scenario within the option.

Click Here to read more about Scenario Options, including a more detailed explanation of how to use them.


You can add tags to Scenarios to help you or others find it in Searches. Type the name of a tag in the entry field, then hit Enter to make it appear in a list below it. You can remove them by clicking the ‘X’ next to them.

Flagged NSFW

Turn this on if your Scenario contains (or is intended to generate) NSFW content, as described in our Community Guidelines. If you Publish it, this will hide it from safe searches, and keep you in compliance with our content rules.

If your Scenario contains NSFW content, you MUST do this before you Publish it!


Makes it possible for others to see your Scenario and find it in Search.

We recommend that you proofread and test the Scenario before you Publish it, to make sure you haven’t made some mistake or typo.

Remember, anyone can find and play a Published Scenario by using the Search feature!


Appears only when Publish is toggled on.

If this is toggled on, your Scenario will still be Published, but not be listed in the Search. You will still be able to share your Scenario with people, but only by sending them the direct link.

3rd Person Only

The Adventure will be set with the 3rd Person Only flag, meaning it will use a character name instead of “you” when using the DO/SAY modes. This is recommended for Scenarios exclusively intended for Multiplayer. Note that players can always turn this on or off on their own, and that it does not affect Story Mode.

Banned Words List

A list of words which you don’t want appearing in the Adventures created with the Scenario. Players will be prevented from using these words, and the AI will be strongly discouraged from using them. Note that Players can add and remove words from this list if they don’t like what you put here.

Click Here to read more about Banned Words.

Allow Comments

If this is on, other users will be able to leave comments on your Scenario. We recommend you keep this on if you Publish your Scenario, so that people can leave you feedback.

If someone makes a rude or otherwise inappropriate comment on your Scenario, we encourage you to Report it by clicking the meatballs (⋯) in the top-right corner of that comment. Latitude does not tolerate rude behavior in comments. See our Community Guidelines for details.


You can add Javascript code to a Scenario which will change things about how the interface handles the text. People have used this in ways ranging from quality-of-life features like setting up the Memory or giving reminders, to creating entirely new experiences which drastically change the way the game operates.

Note that you cannot access this on mobile.

Click Here to read more about Scripting.

World Info

World Info entries are called when the text in their Keys appears in the recent text of the Adventure, and are fed to the AI as added context about subjects that will come up in the Scenario. Some Scenarios are built entirely around having a large World Info database to describe a setting. This is good if you want to include information that isn’t always relevant enough for the Memory.

For Example, if you want a peaceful setting, you might add



The War was won a long time ago, and is over now: this is a time of peace.

Click Here to read more about World Info.

NOTICE: World Info Entries are attached to whoever makes them, for everyone who uses them! If you edit or delete a World Info entry, it will change for EVERYONE who is using that Scenario. Be careful when editing the World Info of a Scenario you made with many users! Note that edits made within resulting Adventures will be saved as a copy in that Adventure, so this only applies to the creator, not users.

Tips for Creating your own Scenarios

Remember that you can always find more information on this, or any subject, by asking on our official Discord Server or reading the Wiki.

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